1 Barrayaran Mark

This side of the 1 Mark note bears the image of Vorpatril Castle, the birthplace of  Dorca the Just. Legend has it that this famous ruler was born in a closet of the Vorpatril summer home during a house party. 
It is also imprinted with the Barrayaran Planetary crest and the English language statement in Barrayaran cyrillic, "Emperor Gregor Vorbarra, long may he reign." 

1 Barrayaran Mark
This side of the 1 Mark note bears the image of Alexandre Dumas. Alexandre was a francophone writer who lived at the end of the Time of Isolation. He wrote novels which focused on the age Vorhala the Bold. His books were banned during the Cetagandan Occupation for inciting francophilic patriotism. Some of his more well known works include: The Three Guardsmen, The Man in the Steel Mask, and the Count of Vorcristo. 
It also lists the planets of the Barrayaran Empire next to their planetary crests. 

Reverse 1 Barrayaran Mark